Converting an Existing Pool

We at CYBERPOOL understand the big question you might have if you want to convert your regular pool to a cyber-mineral pool and the conversion cost of doing so. It is not as complicated as you imagine. You’ll just need to have several components to convert your pool into a relaxing mineral pool with just a few tweaks here and there.
We suggest having a full water analysis before the conversion to ensure everything works smoothly and you can experience the latest pool technology with our industry-leading mineral pool system. Combining the most energy-efficient pump and chlorination system with advanced filtration and natural earth minerals.
There are 4 major components that you will need for the conversion of your pool to a cyber-mineral pool system which if combined will give you the healthiest and safest swimming environment for you and your family with the lowest running cost to ensure the impact on your home energy solution is kept to a minimum.

⦁ Magnesium Mineral

We harness the cleansing elements found in natural earth minerals to eliminate issues common in less sophisticated systems such as green water, stinging eyes, and itchy skin. You will experience swimming in comfort, free from the bitter taste of salty water and the harsh chemical smell of chlorine lingering on the body long after you’ve left the water. This breakthrough pool technology is life-changing. Once you feel the silky cleansing water of a CYBERPOOL you will never want to swim in a conventional pool again.

⦁ Hydroxinator Controller

The cyber pool control system is fully automated featuring a reverse polarity cell that helps keep cleaning and maintenance to a minimum. Smart temperature sensing automatically regulates output in cold water to prevent excessive energy and cell wear. The system is connected to a variable speed pump that further reduces energy consumption and is controlled by the iAqua Link app.

⦁ Glass Filtration


Zodiac Filter Crystals are made from 100% recycled clear glass and are part of what makes a magnesium CYBERPOOL special. The crystals are a type of pool filter media that directly replace sand or zeolite. Sand filtration, although very popular, does have many limitations, such as potentially harmful bacteria growth, client backwashing, and additional strain on the sanitizer. The glass crystals discourage bacteria resulting in a healthier filter tank.

⦁ UV Sanitizer

The CYBERPOOL UV sanitizer harnesses the power of ultraviolet light to provide an additional layer of protection to the pool, boosting its sanitization capabilities beyond the levels usually provided by typical chlorine or salt generator solutions and is more efficient.

Here are the 5 steps on how you can upgrade your regular boring pool into an oasis of relaxation. 

⦁ Reduce your pool water and do a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) test

Get started by reducing your pool water and doing a TDS test to determine how many bags of minerals you will need to put in your pool. Your TDS results must be at least 1,500ppm before adding the appropriate amount of minerals. Click here (we can create a new article for TDS test) for the complete guide for the TDS test

⦁ Change your chlorinator to Hydroxinator

Look for a suitable location to connect your Hydroxinator then connect it to your plumbing line. 

⦁ Remove your old filter and change it to the glass filter
Two types of filters are used for a conventional pool these are cartridge filters and sand filters for cartridge filters you will need to upgrade it to a bigger size for you to use it. For sand filters, you just need to remove the sand and replace it with the glass filter. You could do this on your own but we suggest getting assistance from a professional pool care personnel.

⦁ Add in the Magnesium Mineral and let it dissolve

Simply put the appropriate amount of Magnesium Mineral and turn on your system. 

⦁ Run the system for 24 hours.
Following all the steps in this guide, all you need to do is run the system for the next 24 hours for the magnesium minerals to dissolve totally. You will see some foam form up but do not worry it is all part of the conversion process. After 24 hours you can now enjoy your cyber-mineral pool with your friends and family and feel the complete relaxation you deserve.

If you have questions or difficulty in doing the step-by-step guide and want to speak to our professional staff please feel free to contact us at 07 3823 2235 or you may also send us a message via Facebook @cyberpools or email

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